Jayson Gillham | Melbourne Town Hall Concert, 11 August, 2024


Jayson Gillham | Melbourne Town Hall Concert, 11 August, 2024

Melbourne, August 13, 2024

For clarity, we are releasing Jayson Gillham's comments during his performance on Sunday, 11 August, at Melbourne Town Hall, presented by the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.

During the concert, Mr Gillham introduced each work, including the world premiere of "Witness" by composer Conor D'Netto. With Mr D'Netto's express permission, Mr Gillham provided context for the piece, referencing the tragic deaths of journalists in Gaza—a topic of significant personal importance to him. A full transcript of his comments is below:

Over the last 10 months, Israel has killed more than one hundred Palestinian journalists. A number of these have been targeted assassinations of prominent journalists as they were travelling in marked press vehicles or wearing their press jackets. The killing of journalists is a war crime in international law, and it is done in an effort to prevent the documentation and broadcasting of war crimes to the world.

In addition to the role of journalists who bear witness, the word Witness in Arabic is Shaheed, which also means Martyr.

About Jayson Gillham: Australian-British pianist Jayson Gillham is recognised as one of the finest pianists of his generation. He has performed with leading orchestras worldwide, including the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Sydney Symphony, Melbourne Symphony, London Philharmonic Orchestra, and many others.

Media Contact: Samuel Cairnduff 

RESONATE Communications 

samuel.j.cairnduff@gmail.com  | 0401 396 755


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